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45万!无Condo Fee!无HOA费!Paisley活力美居,诚邀品鉴!

鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2024-6-6 10:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
地址:2020 Price Landing Sw
0 S7 D9 D9 l- H" l
, F! v* ]6 ?2 M. y售价:$450,0001 D$ ^* {' c2 L: o, I- y4 I+ b7 c/ \
3 [% a; }; m! p% f3 G! _0 t& ~
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7 {3 P7 y" J9 I) r) B, M$ C  E, t/ E+ o5 H

+ t* O/ d. U* Q1 S
  h8 f5 y% {4 A6 D4 ^. Z5 A% T+ ~- ePaisley活力双拼美宅!这栋两层半好房落成于2016年,性价比超高,无物业费、无HOA费!. |) D( |+ Q' G8 l( S: V

$ m( t! L4 b- }主层开放式设计,安装了温馨壁炉,安装了工艺地板、升级璀璨灯饰非常精致!
4 R0 u5 c" N- P; E6 P7 I: P2 }1 R* }
; K# s( x6 ^% t5 w: B. x
% b% F' G" a+ \, v6 A4 \拾级而上,二楼设有家庭房、洗衣房和三间宜居卧室。主卧配备了3pc卫浴间和可步入式衣橱,另外两间卧室共享另一套4pc卫浴间。
3 C- e3 H9 Q. D5 @+ L" [: I2 c, r
& h0 f6 s+ _" P, d优质成熟好区,步行道环绕,狗公园、操场、绿化带静待您观赏,便利直达商超、餐厅、高尔夫球场和学校。" D- c; V" K6 X4 F
' o2 B' z. ^3 m2 v
超高性价比、诚邀品鉴!/ o' T1 B, n- C( o" z
* [1 h5 l* c6 n9 v- w5 Z* R4 t
Looking for a fantastic investment opportunity or ideal starter home in a vibrant community? Great opportunity in the newer community of Paisley, a 2016 2 story half duplex, no condo fees or HOA. The inviting main floor captivates with an open-concept design, a fireplace, flooring, & beautiful, upgraded lighting fixtures. The chef-inspired kitchen features quartz countertops, stainless appliances, a centre island, & a pantry. Flowing seamlessly from the kitchen are the living & dining areas, which lead to the huge backyard through sliding doors. Upstairs you find a family room, a laundry room, a master bedroom with a 3 pc en-suite and a walking closet, as well as a second 4pc bath and 2 more bedrooms. The community-focused neighbourhood offers a dog park, walking trails, playground & greenspaces, with easy access to shopping, dining, golf & schools. Don\'t miss this opportunity to make it yours!
$ y. O% o6 p* M. z+ N8 x& a+ w3 B6 M# K: m- C
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' u( B5 g, {: M' {
( ~$ F. G) H5 V& z+ s9 L* _
+ L9 |( n3 y$ Y! ^/ }, j5 l
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