埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(1394) 鸡蛋(16)
发表于 2005-8-8 20:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


25.5 KB, 下载次数: 76

鲜花(1394) 鸡蛋(16)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-8 21:47 | 显示全部楼层
门票印刷内容:2 t/ c3 z" M' R1 y4 ]$ a. w
5 a6 H9 e7 n3 L/ A
2005年度爱城华人中秋晚会 暨 庆祝阿尔伯塔省建省100周年联欢晚会
# ^) y+ `' ]/ IHome Sweet Home-Celebrating Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival 2005 & Alberta centennial
2 g' P9 k1 R: J$ A2 ]+ ], t2 o4 C) K% c$ a/ _
$ }! ^+ Y* }8 L5 M
Time:September 17, 2005@19:30
: Q# i- j# d8 x7 {Place:Royal Alberta Museum1 L( W' {$ p* L3 z% |
12845-102nd Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, T5N 0M6
鲜花(29) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-8-8 22:43 | 显示全部楼层
建议:时间地点直接用英文,晚会标题用双语。以下是我的一个方案,抛快砖引快玉了。. D3 @' _" p0 z+ H! d3 l: Z
6 v8 I5 D7 I, H
Home Sweet Home4 Z- i. }5 W* Q9 }0 e
-Celebrating Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival 2005 & Alberta centennial % a  V" D/ y4 p2 l
, a# X0 ?9 \) I" _. t
意义:中国人庆祝中秋节是思乡,加拿大华人庆祝Alberta百年,是为第二故乡歌唱。两个都是“家“。 所以用 "Home Sweet Home": \$ F0 {* O- h5 X1 k* n& I5 \+ U
, {0 g# W8 c6 x+ d
  C+ i( N2 a4 K0 i( n9 b
Time:September 17, 2005@19:30  P  W5 o' |% l- ^
Place:Royal Alberta Museum
2 o% h, x  @2 F& j9 q0 D. v12845-102nd Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, T5N 0M6
鲜花(1394) 鸡蛋(16)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-8 22:51 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
Originally posted by 寒月秋千 at 2005-8-8 11:43 PM:& b% J8 V  c, E! I2 B. m
建议:时间地点直接用英文,晚会标题用双语。以下是我的一个方案,抛快砖引快玉了。6 _" z9 R6 h& W) ]

4 @+ a) ?+ z  N1 C. ^8 eHome Sweet Home
& d: C2 l2 G7 j, t- l: @-Celebrating Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival 2005 & Alberta centennial * P, d; a; f% z$ \& E3 a
8 s7 D$ h, F( n
意义:中国人庆祝中秋节是思乡,加拿大华人庆祝Alberta百年,是为第二故乡歌唱。两个都是“家“。 所以用 "Home Sweet Home": b5 s5 H: Q2 [# x" e! J: F

" o' T' D: B- {, o6 }. ]7 e5 Q" S- k: @8 Q9 p+ `( Z4 v7 U
Time:September 17, 2005@19:30
4 K. W6 [$ q$ @3 xPlace:Royal Alberta Museum' P$ t  w' Q2 }: g+ T
12845-102nd Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, T5N 0M6

% i9 Q: W) |! t: z7 `我看这就是玉了,我把它直接放进我的帖子里面。
鲜花(1394) 鸡蛋(16)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-8 22:58 | 显示全部楼层
# S% j/ L! p8 d4 M0 Q
" z* H. y' n+ s: g$ U8 e2005年度爱城华人中秋晚会
! [. ]5 g. N% ]# Y8 ?: i7 r暨庆祝阿尔伯塔省建省100周年联欢晚会4 \% t2 C8 D$ i6 E9 U% h, ?9 ?
Home Sweet Home
/ Q' [5 s$ `) C1 y-Celebrating Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival 2005 & Alberta centennial . m% z: Q# Y. p, j
1 q' a+ h" l) M1 C  \  D5 R) t1 x; N8 s
' C  V5 v$ X( _; k! p乡音:是记忆中永远不可磨灭的音符,在母亲的怀抱就已熟悉的呢喃;
1 m$ H, t0 j7 a* m乡情:是一份总也无法释怀的思念,是时空也不能隔断的牵挂;
: F- X7 n' J3 W/ D. o) h乡聚:是前世与今生的情缘,注定我们在这里共赏同一个月光。8 a  H9 L& K9 B, ^( n; w2 t" D5 k
(乡音、乡情、乡聚用大字,占两行,后面的用小字,也占两行)9 }; c4 z. H: m4 {

, \$ y, u6 w5 ?$ n, V主办单位:埃德蒙顿普通话移民协会
9 o/ y# c; ~& \               Edmonton Mandarin Immigrants Society
. H/ _  L. f3 B# b( d               www.EdmontonChina.com9 E# T7 v2 c( V0 A& G
Time:September 17, 2005@19:303 m' h2 c/ s/ Y8 g# Y! i; Y  T% C% }
Place:Royal Alberta Museum
% g0 [3 E% ?1 x. c& ~: j2 u, w12845-102nd Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, T5N 0M6
鲜花(29) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-8-8 23:02 | 显示全部楼层
建议:在主办单位:埃德蒙顿普通话移民协会后加上英文- N$ p3 g% B0 _/ n$ W. s' ]* i
Edmonton Mandarin Immigrants Society
0 F* Z. g$ ?  R- OURL: www.edmontonchina.com (有把网站和协会一体化的嫌疑,看上去往战士协会的网址了,请考虑)
, e6 F1 ~/ d0 Q' s$ F
6 S  m3 t. E5 K0 _1 m3 q* ]5 o[ Last edited by 寒月秋千 on 2005-8-8 at 11:03 PM]
鲜花(70) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-8-8 23:03 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by 寒月秋千 at 2005-8-8 23:02:
$ t: ~" e+ Z0 ?; ~7 j8 f建议:在主办单位:埃德蒙顿普通话移民协会后加上英文% ?3 S" M! x7 Q% A
Edmonton Mandarin Immigrants Society

& i/ [/ Z& z) b! \5 A! a9 X& F同意!
鲜花(29) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-8-8 23:04 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by 嘉妮 at 2005-8-8 11:03 PM:' {& l" J" [/ F9 L7 B
) v. i+ }+ p) t: ?

  P3 \! T% W" o你还不睡觉去!
鲜花(70) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-8-8 23:09 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by 寒月秋千 at 2005-8-8 23:04:
4 s% S3 [3 s, W5 t* i你还不睡觉去!
2 c& ~5 k% c+ T* _
鲜花(1394) 鸡蛋(16)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-8 23:21 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by 寒月秋千 at 2005-8-9 12:02 AM:. f2 C3 _* A1 G" g4 G
) g8 M/ r; _1 [; ]) vEdmonton Mandarin Immigrants Society0 F$ }) m; `. K  D
URL: www.edmontonchina.com (有把网站和协会一体化的嫌疑,看上去往战士协会的网址了,请考虑)
8 J# y) a2 L' M7 _
" Y2 D2 r/ ^5 L  A. I3 {8 {

4 a0 [  j# w# Q7 a$ ]OK,加进去
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-8-9 22:00 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by 寒月秋千 at 2005-8-9 12:02 AM:
  G* S1 c/ X8 V$ |( p& W建议:在主办单位:埃德蒙顿普通话移民协会后加上英文
( s! J/ [( [$ \; BEdmonton Mandarin Immigrants Society
& s; J& H1 w: U2 V, U6 EURL: www.edmontonchina.com (有把网站和协会一体化的嫌疑,看上去往战士协会的网址了,请考虑)
4 F% W- k* [/ c' A+ z( O! H5 u6 M3 ]/ t6 @
[ Las ...

5 q! j: f6 ]/ p  U$ X, Y- V! I3 S同意!
鲜花(29) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-8-10 11:36 | 显示全部楼层


Dear Honourable Premier Ralph Klein, , ?# c, i. F" U

& U2 D% b8 B3 T5 j; U/ n“Home Sweet Home” & u& M' S- O/ C& R: @. q  [7 t
Celebrating Edmonton Chinese Mid-Autumn festival 2005 & Alberta Centennial
+ \4 {6 k& o7 D9 x3 X# a& `& c3 }" b/ n5 \. `- g1 ?
Letter of Invitation
' C) k! v" i1 j+ d. n8 x5 w7 a8 P7 Q; `( y1 A2 Y+ O" b' g( @! W
I am a MA candidate in University of Alberta majoring in Communication and Technology, and the volunteer secretary of a new-born not-for-profit organization: Edmonton Mandarin Immigrants Society (EMIS). I am writing on behalf of this society to invite you to come to a party on September 17,19:30, at Royal Alberta Museum.
% p4 ]; x, x, p6 @) K
# r3 R: ~: F, W; X1 X- bThe theme of the party is “Home Sweet Home”- Celebrating Edmonton Chinese Mid-Autumn festival 2005 & Alberta Centennial. For Chinese people, mid-autumn Festival is a traditional festival for family members to come home and gather together; for Chinese immigrants here, Edmonton Alberta is our second home, we gather together to celebrate the Alberta Centennial, to wish our two homes the best, and to enlighten the life of each and every new immigrant, wish everyone a smooth resettlement and happy life.
: O8 r3 Z+ r& N/ mAbout Edmonton Mandarin Immigrants Society (EMIS) and its contribution
8 z* ^$ J1 v) J; c3 cEdmonton Mandarin Immigrants Society (EMIS) is an organization founded early this year, it originated from an online community at http://www.edmontonchina.com. The website was founded May 2004 by Fan Yang, also a new immigrant from Mainland China. Yang registered this website because before he landed in Edmonton, he could not find any information about life and work in Edmonton in the language of Chinese. Ever since the first day of this web site, it has acted as a liaison between people who wants to come to Edmonton and those who are already here. It helps Chinese immigrants with their first settlement steps to the most. People here care for each other, they provide useful information, they posted their own experiences on the life and work search and everything you can name. Until today, there are already 4921 registered members.
. Z9 o: c2 G0 ~' s6 [+ o5 V) v: c) g& E8 `7 ~' S2 G
, l7 E! u; `8 [9 y) o
It is just like a big family, a sweet home; though we have no money. We organized New Year Party and Spring Festival Party all by our volunteering work and joint effort. Each time, the organizers buy entrance ticket just like other people, the objective is to offer an opportunity for the Chinese immigrants and students from China to gather together, to help each other and entertain each other.
  i  P$ N, Q' v# H; P6 M% Q
3 S; j5 e6 R1 Y& s3 RTo some extend, it acts as an unofficial Cultural Ambassador, it has assisted the government with immigrants settlement program. People who have gone through the early days know what new people need to be prepared for. Oh, there are so many moving stories and vivid individuals in this community. Being a new immigrant myself, I have enjoyed so much from this community and I wish I could tell you and my fellow Albertans., Q, V0 t. F+ P6 _& y
/ m5 Q+ U- i1 X' `1 p
Looking forward to hearing from you!
% K, A# b1 _, D% j
, l% M  k5 P" cSincerely yours,/ z: E" q- D. B
+ |' I& H' l5 g4 E- O
Mary Han Lu- i9 T( {, y, n1 h$ F( Q( A
Secretary" M! s, |, ^* W  t) R' b
Edmonton Mandarin Immigrants Society (EMIS)
鲜花(29) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-8-10 11:38 | 显示全部楼层


同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(1394) 鸡蛋(16)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-10 11:47 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by 寒月秋千 at 2005-8-10 12:38 PM:
6 g, l9 A, w: z) {今天早上省长办公室打来电话说省长公务繁忙不能参加,会把我们的邀请信转到另外一个职能部门,安排贺信。

* Q2 z) Y4 C6 G- h不来也好,有信就行了。这封信能不能尽快拿到?以便于我们买票的时候贴出去。
鲜花(70) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-8-10 11:59 | 显示全部楼层
8 Z, Y' i1 v& B, K, [0 k4 T. x1 T1 W( [
染红了异乡的枫叶5 [$ r$ i/ A+ O! O7 C( d: K

% T& O- q# J+ g% X/ W  h你的琴弦
# x7 n( \) y2 z* L! G* h$ J' ^7 `) |2 l" Y9 i# N  }8 v3 ]
诉说着浓浓的思乡情缘* {) ~$ E5 U" ]

/ P6 P$ I$ s- j* Q
9 n# @9 J0 G- N* G9 n6 K0 [! ~/ ^% |$ q' Q0 K7 f
天涯明月时,举杯共祝愿$ n2 N" ^  A- [
: f4 {: p( p# r0 X1 e, P* m
让我们送上句句乡音、缕缕乡情9 _( c/ t( C% |! Y2 f
6 B0 K+ ^8 {7 m! N0 C
- i8 N" r3 m6 s: o1 i
* t1 W- K0 m$ @直到永远,永远!
鲜花(1394) 鸡蛋(16)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-10 16:09 | 显示全部楼层
letter head


41 KB, 下载次数: 71

鲜花(29) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-8-12 10:23 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
Originally posted by 老杨 at 2005-8-10 11:47 AM:7 h; ?7 `3 t8 D7 B0 Q3 [/ ~
, v% M6 |) l6 f4 X
+ K3 x, D" M( W" q5 L

0 G) J' H; L" d# V. v5 {: |& m: R又打电话给省长办公室了,说要5-6个星期才行。等我陈述了我们的重要性后,说起码也得三个星期。咋整?
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