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First Date Etiquette

鲜花(21) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-3-1 22:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Meeting that special someone for the first time can be tricky. The way you look, behave and communicate all have a huge impact on whether your first date will yield a second. As the saying goes, you only get one chance to make a first impression! So here are a few pointers to help you make your next rendez-vous as successful as possible.# K- ^, ?5 p, G) K9 ~% e8 r' U
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Reassess your expectations. Make sure you are being realistic- your date may very well not be the one. Regardless, that is something that will be confirmed with time, not on your first date. So until then, just focus on enjoying the ride!
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7 y) F5 ~# l! k+ FDress to impress. Like it or not, most people judge books by their covers. So make sure you look fabulous! Pick an outfit that makes you feel comfortable and confident but isn’t too revealing. Instead go for the casual, classy look. Jazz up your outfit with some accessories and killer shoes!. J! F! x3 d% p1 R& r9 r
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Pick a safe and comfortable environment. The ideal meeting placeis somewhere neutral and public. Stay away from movies or other activities that will cause you to miss out on the chance to interact with your date. Try hitting a pool hall or heading to a mini-putt range, going out for coffee is also a great setting for a first date.
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Be courteous. Manners say a lot about a person. Punctuality is essential, and if you are running late, give your date a call to let him know. During the date, keep your cell phone on silent mode and answer only urgent calls. Most importantly, say “please” and “thank you”. These little gestures mean a lot; they will show your appreciation towards your date and earn you brownie points.; g, j  ]; y1 I* V% l+ z3 i% i2 A
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Keep the conversation light.  Things like hobbies, travel, movies, culture, sports, etc. are all suitable topics. Stay away from personal and sensitive matters, there will be plenty of time to talk about your past relationships, family issues and political views in the future. Do your best to avoid interrupting and give him your full attention. Listen actively by asking follow-up questions, showing a genuine interest and being honest in your responses. This will help both of you feel more at ease, allowing you to shake off some of the nerves that come along with first-date territory.   
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, S$ ?1 T% b) C" y6 d2 NSplit the costs…but, offer to pay the bill if you made the invitation. Some dates will insist on picking up the entire tab. If that’s the case, don’t put up too much of a fight. Just make sure to thank them and treat them next time!  ~# ~. u" s* C* C
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Make your intentions clear from the start and avoid playing games. If you are looking for something serious and get the same feed-back from your date, then keep the end of the date PG rated. Give yourselves the luxury of having something to look forward to!   R6 r* g6 f; q; K7 a

" {$ S( ?$ k5 p. i% V  FSmile and have a good time! A date is supposed to be more fun than your last job interview. So relax and be yourself. Don’t be afraid to laugh, use your sense of humor or be a little quirky. Be proud of your uniqueness and you are guaranteed to leave your mark. The most important thing is to show your date what an amazing lady you are while having a great time!
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. Z" ]  q! K8 _' b: FAnd Remember, there are plenty fish in the sea! If you are not enjoying yourself, trust your instinct and don’t hesitate to call it a night. If your date can’t appreciate the wonderful woman you are, don’t waste your time; you are bound to find someone who does.
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