Kentrexs1983 发表于 2017-12-27 14:18


阿尔伯塔省Peace River的一家餐馆老板目前招2名厨师,不限国籍,能基本的英文交流,且有2年以上的厨师经历即可。老板目前持有开放LMIA名额,所以一旦面试合格可立马申请工签,欢迎国内外符合条件的申请者发邮件申请。感兴趣的申请人可以将英文简历发至





Potential sponsors will soon have the opportunity to express their interest to sponsor
December 22, 2017 – Ottawa, ON – Canadian citizens and permanent residents will soon be able to take the first step in applying to bring their parents and grandparents to Canada, when the Parents and Grandparents Program reopens in 2018.
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) introduced a new process in 2017 for application intake for sponsoring parents and grandparents to make it fairer and more transparent for applicants. Now, potential sponsors must first notify IRCC that they are interested in sponsoring their parents and grandparents by submitting an “Interest to Sponsor” form. Using a random selection process, IRCC will then invite potential sponsors to apply to sponsor their parents and grandparents.
Today, the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced that the “Interest to Sponsor” form will be available at noon EST on January 2, 2018. Those who wish to apply to sponsor their parents and grandparents in 2018 must first fill out this online form. It will be available until noon February 1, 2018.
To help ensure the efficiency of the system and to allow as many eligible sponsors as possible to bring their parents and grandparents to Canada, it is important that only those who meet the sponsorship eligibility requirements submit an “Interest to Sponsor” form. Additional questions have been added to the 2018 version of the “Interest to Sponsor” form to help potential sponsors self-assess whether they are eligible to sponsor.


Kentrexs International Ltd. / Kentrexs移民律师事务所
公司地址:Suite 210, 6203 - 28 Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB T6L 6K3
咨询电话: (780) 414-7420
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查看完整版本: 2018年父母团聚移民开放啦~大家赶紧行动起来!